Say hello to the Team at Elm Street Baptist Church.
Pastor & Pastor’s Wife
Children’s/Youth Director & Deacon
Born a ‘Tarheel’ baby, Nicole spent her childhood in North Carolina and moved to Illinois as a teenager. She received her Associates Degree from Southwestern Illinois College in Belleville, married her high school sweetheart, Troy, and finished her Bachelor’s Degree at Greenville College where they lived for eight years and had three sons, Gary, Eric, & Alan.
A career change for her husband brought Nicole and her family to Murphysboro in August 2004. While Troy worked on a Teaching Certification, Nicole raised their three sons and provided child care for a few children in their home.
It was during her high school experiences through her church and missions that gave Nicole the desire to one day work with students. When Elm Street sought to hire a Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries, Nicole felt God move. She took the position in July of 2009 and has loved the time spent with these young people.
“Each group is unique and it’s wonderful to listen to them, get to know them, and watch them grow. I want so much for them to experience putting their total faith and trust in God. The biggest need I see in these young generations is to know there is a God that loves them no matter what, that He wants to help them and has wonderful plans for them. Families desperately need to know there is a God who knows their hurt, that He wants to help, and that they don’t have to do ‘life’ alone.”
Nicole and Troy have been members of Elm Street since 2006. Their boys are now grown and a daughter-in-law has been added to their family! In free time Nicole enjoys her hammock, puzzles, mystery stories, a beauty & skin care side-gig, reading Christian fiction, and traveling with her husband (and kids when possible).
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
Worship Leader & Deacon
Jenny was born and raised in Murphysboro and has attended Elm Street Baptist Church since birth. She currently lives in Carbondale with her husband-Jason, son-Jackson, three cats and two dogs. She has been Worship Leader since January 2022. She received her bachelor’s degree in information technology and currently is an IT Engineer at Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association. Her true love, however, is music. She learned to play piano at an early age and has played in church for several years.
Her passion for the Lord and music led her to her current position as worship leader at Elm Street. Music is an integral part of worship and prepares our hearts for the message God has for us. God enjoys our praise. What better way to spread the good news than to put it to music! At Elm Street we strive to blend music styles- continuing to sing old hymns as well as learn new contemporary songs and everything in between.
Jenny and Jason were married at Elm Street Baptist Church in 1997 and welcomed their son in 2000. Jason works at SIU and Jackson is completing his bachelor’s degree in information technology at SIU. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her furry family and knitting.
11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13
Custodian & Sunday School Teacher
Financial Manager & Deacon
Office Secretary & Student of Ministry
Roni has lived in Murphysboro all of her life. She attended Murphysboro High School and married her high school sweet heart in June of 2021. She got her Associates degree in Political Science from John A. Logan College in 2022 but after a change in plans, she thought it was best to start working instead of continuing her degree. She has worked at Elm Street since November of 2022 and has enjoyed each project she’s worked on since. She enjoys babysitting her niece, pressing flowers, and collecting postcards and vinyl records.
Gary has been a member of Elm Street since his family started attending. He got his degree in Forestry from Southern Illinois University and is currently working on his Masters degree in Divinity at Liberty University Online. He enjoys listening to podcasts, hanging out with his friends, and reading.
You can catch the two hosting friends on the weekend, watching movies, and playing with their two cats, Ranger and Scout.
When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought me joy.
Psalm 94:19